Chiropractic & Acupuncture Costs in Hoffman Estates IL

If you have any questions about our Hoffman Estates IL chiropractic clinic, or would like to learn more about our services at Advance Health & Wellness, our experienced chiropractic team is here to help.
Financial Options in Hoffman Estates IL
The following information Is provided to help us bring the benefits of Chiropractic and Acupuncture to you and your family without any confusion surrounding our policy regarding the payment of your bill. We will do our part to facilitate your payment option by giving prompt, thorough attention to submitted forms, and, in return, we know you will want to honor all financial agreements you have made with us. If for any reason you find you cannot fulfill the established arrangements, please advise us immediately so that we may make new, more appropriate arrangements.
Private Payment
- Payment With Insurance - You are responsible for payment of each visit as incurred or for one full week at a time. Our office will file your initial primary insurance form, as well as follow-up forms, on a weekly basis. It will be your responsibility to handle filings for any additional insurance coverage.
- Payment with Medicare - You are responsible for the payment of each visit as incurred or for one full week at a time. Our office will fill out all medicare forms on a visit basis and forward them to medicare for reimbursement.
- Payment Without Insurance - You are fully responsible for the payment of each visit as incurred or for one full week at a time. Exception if other arrangements are made.
- Payment With Our Wellness Programs - You are responsible for upfront payment for a monthly membership.
A Word About Insurance
Patients who are accepted on an insurance basis will be required to pay the deductible and/or copay, plus the percentage of their bill not covered. The balance will be billed to your primary insurance carrier. You will be responsible for any additional insurance forms you may wish to file.
Package of 10
Package of 10
Package of 10
Package of 10
Adjustments, Massage, & Decompression
8:00am - 8:00pm
8:00am - 8:00pm
8:00am - 8:00pm
8:00am - 8:00pm
8:00am - 8:00pm
8:00am - 3:00pm
Advance Health and Wellness
1585 Barrington Rd Suite 601 Building 2
Hoffman Estates, IL 60169